Happy Host Family in Wales

Mrs McLoughlin sent some wonderful feedback. She hosted Maryam from Germany for 7 months on our State School Programme. Maryam had such a good time, she came back to visit on holiday. Mrs McLoughlin writes; One of your "White House" students that stayed with my family for 7 months returned today to spend her 2 weeks holiday with us and to meet up with the great friends she made in Wales. She's a brave young lady only 15 years old. She said "the experience has given her life skills she never knew she had" and feels a more confident person. Maryam is from Germany and when we meet again today it was like my daughter coming home. We feel Maryam will always be in our lives and part of our family forever. It would be lovely if we could leave stories and pictures like this on our host family profile page for new students to read and allow them to share the experience of other students to give them the confidence they are coming to a happy family. We are so pleased to have such positive feedback from a host family about a student under our guardianship.