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Education Agents

Join Us

WHG has worked with high quality educational agents and recruitment partners from over 55 countries since 1992. Our education agents help prospective students to choose the right school for their requirements and aid in the completion of the application process. We regularly visit agent offices to maintain close relationships and to help offer the best service to their students. If your agency promotes UK Education and would like to add our programmes and services to your portfolio, please contact Will Hume - [email protected]

We offer agency agreements, Skype training for counsellors and help agents source the best schools and programmes for their students at no cost.

Agent Resources Center (ARC)

Our Agent Resources Center gives you access to all your student information and our UK schools database.  You can also apply for our guardianship service in our new easy-to-use application form.

Visit https://arc.whitehouseguardians.co.uk or Contact Will Hume for more information.

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White House Guardianships

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