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Studying Together
Dad Helping Girl Study
Family Living

Your Profile

Your Family Profile

Your Host Family Profile contains photographs and key information about your home and family.  Overseas students can be very apprehensive about being in the UK away from their own families your profile document can really help international students feel more confident about their new adventure.

See an example of a Host Family Profile

Keeping Up to Date

It is your responsibility to keep your profile up to date.  You must inform us of any changes to your living arrangement - people moving in or out and room availabilty for example. You can easily update important information via the MyWHG Portal.

If you applied online to become a host family, you will already have access to the MyWHG Portal, if you have not previously registered you need to enter your email address on the registration section. 

MyWHG Portal

DBS and GasSafe

We must hold current DBS and GasSafe certificates at all times. GasSafe certificates can be updated in MyWHG.

Taking a Break

If you need to take a break from hosting for whatever reason (holidays, relative staying), please let your local guardian know.  They can then update your record so we know you are currently unable to take students.

Family Cycling
Family Playing Football

White House Guardianships

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