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Guardianship Terms



All applications must be processed online and include:

  • Copy of Passport photo page.
  • Full medical history.
  • All vaccinations, allergies and dietary needs.
  • Up to date contact details for student and home email address for parents.

Please note:

  • We must be notified of any updates/changes to the student's medical records, including vaccinations and allergies.
  • Your school may require you complete a medical form termly / annually, this is your responsibility and not that of WHG.

The agreement in the application form is made under British law which must be read and signed.

As part of the initial meeting with the student, the Local Guardian will take a photograph of the student. This will be uploaded to the student's profile, a copy of which will be sent to the parents.

The profile is only sent to Host Families where the student will be staying, as a form of identification and to alert them of any medical history/allergies/dietry needs, or anyone transporting the student as a form of identification.

Parents/Legal Guardians are responsbile for completing ALL school application documents, including any and all medical forms. WHG are not able to complete any medical forms relating to your child.


All invoices are in British Pounds (GBP).
All payments must cater for bank charges and exchange rates.
In the event of short payment due to transaction charges, only the net amount will be credited to your account.
Payment must be settled before arriving in the UK.
Parent's accept that the following are 'Premium' areas (formerly London & Home Counties):

  • Avon
  • Blackmore Vale
  • Cherwell
  • Garden
  • Jurassic Coast
  • London West
  • Magna Carta
  • North Downs
  • The Broads
  • The Fens
  • The Highlands
  • Sussex Downs
  • Weald
  • Wye Valley

Which carry a higher rate of accommodation charges than other areas.

Transport & Visits

All transport, organised by WHG is with licensed drivers and is charged at cost.
If you travel with more than 2 large suitcases, you must notify your Local Guardian as they will need to arrange a larger vehicle for your transfer.
When a Local Guardian or host family member transports students,
Mileage is charged at £0.45 per mile plus £0.05 per mile per passenger
Time is charged where applicable at;
15 GBP per hour social hours
20 GBP per hour unsociable hours
Unsociable hours are between 2300 – 0700

Private School Students

Any change of family accommodation requests must be notified to your Local Guardian immediately,
Charges are made for cancellations as below.
Up to 7 days before arrival, no charge.
Up to 96 hours before arrival, 40 GBP.
Up to 72 hours before arrival, 100 GBP.
Less than 72 hours before arrival, 7 days charged at full rate.

WHG Policy for students travelling in the UK

Students under the age of 16 are not allowed to travel out of area alone even though they may have their parents’ permission.
If students under 16 wish to travel out of area, they must be accompanied by an adult1. On a day trip they must return at an appropriate time set by the Local Guardian.
Out of area is defined as an area that is not under the care of the student’s assigned Local Guardian.
If a student is over the age of 16 and wishes to go out of area, they may do so but we will need written permission from agents/parents. This would only be applicable to a day trip and not an overnight stay unless accompanied by an adult1.
Students under the age of 16 may not travel in and around London unless accompanied by an adult1.
Students are never permitted to stay in University halls of residence.
If a student wishes to stay anywhere except with a WHG host family, we must have the address of where they are staying, contact phone numbers and photo ID of the responsible adult1 that they will be staying with.
Students must not stay in a hotel/hostel overnight unless they are accompanied by an adult1 of the same gender.
We must have photographic evidence of ID and age of the adult1 responsible for the student.
Written parental consent will be required for any of the above.
WHG must receive all relevant documentation and permissions in writing for students wishing to stay anywhere that is not a WHG host family at least 72 hours before departure.

1 Adult must be aged 21 or over. If the school's policy requires a greater age, this will overrule WHG policy.

State School Students

The State School Programme is administered by White House Education, a partner company of White House Guardianships.
If a student is expelled from the State School Programme or withdraws for any reason, no refund can be considered. Insurance should be instituted to cover this possibility where appropriate.
Specific dietary requirement will be subject to a weekly supplement to a host family. Costs will be confirmed by the State School Department.
A surcharge will be payable if students arrive on a non-designated day and at a non-designated airport.
Easter transfers are not included unless a programme finishes at Easter, then a return transfer is included.
Students arriving earlier or departing later than scheduled will be required to pay additional nights’ accommodation if a White House Guardianships host family is used.
Under no circumstances may a private approach be made to WHG staff or host families. Doing so would invalidate any agreement.

Suitability for programmes

A student must be prepared and capable, both physically and mentally, for a prolonged stay in a different country away from their family and friends.
All students must have an appropriate level of English for their course. Private schools will administer their own tests, as state schools do not, we rely on our partners abroad.
If a group or individual arrive with an inappropriate level of English. WHG may not be able to offer the prepaid programme.


Government Value Added Tax is included in all quoted prices.
Under no circumstances may an expenses account be overdrawn.
If at any point there are insufficient funds in the expenses account, we reserve the right to withhold our services until funds are made available.
Guardianship services will not commence until full payment is received.
Third party charges for credit/debit card payments from outside the EEA will be deducted from your child's expenses deposit


A clear term’s notice of withdrawal from our guardianship must be given or a term’s fee paid in lieu.


White House Guardianships does not include personal or travel insurance in any of our programmes.
We strongly recommend that parents of students take out policies of this nature in your home country.


Please Note: A student may be expelled from the guardianship or the State School Programme for serious or continuous misconduct, particularly where such behaviour prejudices the safety or progress of other students or brings the programme or the school into disrepute. Any false information given or relevant information withheld can invalidate the agreement between WHG and parents. 

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