Great host family feedback from Ryan

Ryan recently stayed with one of our WHG Kent host families and sent a lovely letter to us about his stay. Thanks for the feedback Ryan!
"Mr and Ms Coombs are a lovely couple who've welcomed me into their home. The room is cozy and the family's Lego collection is insane, but most importantly the food is delicious. The hospitality truly felt special and unsurprisingly I requested to return back for the sequential exeat.
I have to admit I've been a big challenge both weekends with last minute big travel plans. Despite confirming plans for an overnight stay elsewhere for my 18th late in the afternoon, they wouldn't let me leave without a birthday cake, a lovely card and an amazing present.
Even with many children and more grandchildren I was always prioritised, even being gifted a lift to the train station. Most importantly though it was short lived I felt a part of the family and though I am off to university I hope our paths will cross again."