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Fabiola's WHG Host Family and State School Experience

Fabiola spent 5 months living with a WHG host family on our State School Experience. She enjoyed it so much, she sent us a lovely photo with her host mum. This is what Fabiola had to say about her time with us and Kim her Local Guardian.

'Looking back, I‘m very glad I decided to go abroad for a few months. I came with the intention to grow more self-sufficient and of course to improve my language. And I do genuinely think that has happened. When I first arrived in England, I obviously had some fears. That I wouldn’t find friends, that I wouldn’t get along with my host family or that I might lose touch with my friends back home. But I was very lucky. At the beginning I made friends with the other Germans and then we found English friends together. My host mother and I got along very well too, so much that we’re still in touch now even though I’m back in Germany. 

Overall, I’ve made some amazing memories, that I’ll always be able to look back on and I’m very happy I didn’t feel too scared to leave home for almost half a year. I‘ve never had so much fun in my life before as I did in those past five months!! I know that wouldn’t have been possible without you, so again thank you very much.'