Bosco in Lockdown

During the period of lockdown, like many others, I have found myself in need of finding a new way of living. From living in school 24/7 with a relatively structured routine (especially during my A level year where the stress level is at an all-time high) to canceled examination and having all the free time one can only dream of.
It was challenging when it comes to trying to establish a sense of rhythm to this new ‘normal’. The first few weeks where the regular 6 periods lessons were conducted on Skype, a sense of routine was still there. The support and information my school provided in regards to the now-canceled exams eased my worries towards the next step of higher education. For example, how to provide evidence and how grades may be allocated for our qualifications (questions I’m sure all students across the country worried about during the initial stage of school closure). But as the structure of online lessons came to an end, I once again found myself in need of finding activities to fill my day. From cooking all sorts of dishes and experimenting with foreign cuisines, playing the ukulele to even picking up running on a regular basis. This period has enabled me to pick up the hobbies that I’ve always wanted to do. I also look forward to the weekly Zoom quiz sessions organised by my friends where we do a quiz and just catch up about our week.
One positive of this period is that I got to spend time with my sister whom I’ve not lived with since the age of 11. I’ve relearned to live with a sibling which I’m not used to and just creating memories which we’ve missed out on due to living separately across the world. Besides running and the occasional groceries shop, the amazing weather during these past few weeks led to many outings to the park and sitting in the sun (socially distanced of course!) and just embracing the beauty that mother nature has to provide. Although the reason behind this lockdown is upsetting, this unusual time provides us with an opportunity to pick up new hobbies, living in the moment, and finding new ways to connect with friends and family. I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time and I’m sure it will soon past and life will return to normal again (however that ‘normal’ maybe).