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Apply for WHG Guardianship


If you would like to apply for boarding school guardianship, you will need to create a WHG account.

More information on our guardianship service

To complete the application form you will need:

  • A scan or photo of the identification page (the page with the photo and passport number on) of the Students Passport
  • Date the student will require guardianship from
  • Name of the school the student will be attending
  • Date the guardianship will end (if known)
  • Details of vaccinations, allergies, medications and medical conditions of the student
  • If you have all of this information available then you are ready to complete the application process which will take approximately 15 minutes.

If you have any queries please contact us

To create a WHG account and apply for boarding school guardianship, Please click here

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White House Guardianships

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